Single Virtual Plot of Land
Purchase a virtual plot of land on the famous and historical 'Green Grassy Slopes of the Boyne'
When you purchase a virtual plot of land you will receive a certificate of purchase for that virtual plot. After your purchase you will than be able to enter searchable information either regarding yourself or your organisation. This then can be viewed by other users of the site. The purchaser will can update information or images by emailing
But more importantly when you purchase a virtual plot you will be contributing towards the rebuilding of the Boyne Obelisk, which as already stated was blown up in 1923AD by an early act of terrorism.The importance of this venture cannot be understated. Once again The 'Green Grassy Slopes' of the Boyne are back in Orange hands. We endeavour to have your certificate with you within 30 days of purchase. The price of the virtual plot is £100 of which a small amount will go towards administration costs
Your Name:*
Your Address:*
Email Address:*
Contact Phone Number:*
Name you wish to dedicate your plot to which will appear on your certificate:*
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Please enter the letters and numbers as you see them displayed (case sensitive) in the edit box on right.
To complete this form and go to "Pay Now" page please hit Submit.
Please enter the text you want recorded with your virtual plot. Max 200 words. This can be updated later by emailing us:
If you want an image to appear on your the virtual plot page please use the upload function. This can be added later by emailing me your image and I will upload it for you.
Required Information *
Please complete our form to purchase a Virtual Plot. Payment can be made via PayPal or by posting a cheque. The price of each plot is £100.
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Contact us
The Boyne Foundation
Schomberg House,
368 Cregagh Road,
Belfast, BT6 9YE

Tel: +44 (0)28 9070 1122
Fax: +44 (0)28 9040 3700
The Boyne foundation has been officially sanctioned by the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland.