In 2008 at a meeting of the Boyne Foundation it was suggested that since we were now in possession of the Land where King Williams armies crossed the river, what better way to celebrate the potential than to create an Orange Lodge on the very spot where King William and nhis Generals surveyed the Battlefront. It was readily agreed and those at that meeting readily supported that idea, and it was then taken before the Grand Lodge of Ireland to create a Lodge of Limited Purpose. That was granted to us and we then set about looking for a suitable Warrant number.There was high excitement indeed to find that Warrant no. 1690 was dormant in Dublin and Grand Lodge again very kindly gave us permission for that Warrant number to be issued to the new Lodge.
To help with fundraising, the Boyne Foundation are offering purchase of “Virtual Plots” of the Boyne.
Get your certificate marking the purchase of your virtual plot of land at the boyne and a piece of history.
The Boyne Obelisk LOL 1690
Following talks with Officials from the OPW at Drogheda and with Garda officials, , local people and Fire and First Aid Socities,it was agreed to present the Warrant at a Ceremony on the Boyne on 30th May 2009.
Lodge members, Brethren and Sisters, The Ballmagrorty Accordian Band, (Donegal), The Mourne Young Defenders (Kilkeel), The Pride of the Raven Flute Band (East Belfast), The Schomberg Society, The Ulster Scots Dancers, The Schomberg Fife and Drum Band and Re-enactment Society, and the glorious Lambegs all made a fine assembly at the Canal Field at Oldbridge, and paraded across the Boyne River to “the Crossing Field to receive the new Warrant. The Marquee erected for the purpose was packed to capacity, and whilst visitors and spectators were entertained outside, the new Lodge was Institutioned by the Grand Master of Ireland the Rt. Worshipful Brother Robert Saulters Presiding, assisted by The Rt. Worshipful Ron Bathers, Grand Master of England, and Wor. Bro. Mervyn Bishop Grand Lodge of Ireland and many other Grand and County Lodge Officials from all over Ireland in attendance. The First Worshipful Master of the new Lodge is Worshipful Brother The Lord Laird of Artigarvan, and Deputy Master is Worshipful Brother Jack Leetch. Chaplain, Worshipful Brother Mervyn Gibson, Lay Chaplain Worshipful brother John Hall M.B.E., Secretary Worshipful Brother Graham Barton, Treasurer Worshipful Brother Alfie Hennessey.Following Istallation of Committe and other Officers, speeches and gifts, the Lodge was closed and the hearty strains of our National Anthem thundered out across the gathered masses . Following the Lodge closure all members formed up and Paraded back across the Boyne as a formed and Instituted Lodge in a day of perfect weather and a huge crowd of onlookers. The Lodge will attract members from all over the world and at the time of writing has now 94 memberfs and growing daily. Affiliation is offered to any Brother in good standing.